We accept donations!
Parrotphernalia is completely run by donations of feathers (or plumes) by Larry bird and other fine feathered friends.
We think it’s terrible to let such beautiful things as feathers go to waste. Especially if it might help save some other birds life by not using store bought feathers. It was not that long ago that we saw the escalating trend of feather hair extensions which ravaged the fishing lure market of saddle feathers from roosters. The thing that seemed to be even worse, while looking into bird feathers used in lures, is that the special saddle feathers used for feather hair extensions and lures “come from roosters that are genetically bred and raised for their plumage. In most cases, the birds do not survive the plucking.“ More than just these birds are being killed to not only support the tackle industry, but the store bought feathered hair accessory industry as well.
SO! What can you do to help? Reduce, Reuse, RECYCLE!
Give your bird’s feathers a second chance at life. In return we will make you a lovely accessory with the feathers as a thank-you for your donation! We will also showcase you and your feathered friend on Parrotphernalia as one of our donors!
If you would like to send us some feathers, send us a message through the contact page. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!